We are Made Of. A premium Whey Protein Isolate. We focus on whey because we love whey and believe in its energetic properties.
We are confident and committed. We are honest and hard working. We are passionate and potent. Our energy will speak for us. We are unapologetic in our quest to serve you the best.
We are Made Of many things: heart, energy, passion, purpose. We are not Made Of unnecessary additives or false promises. Life is already an obstacle course and we’re happy to help simplify one of the obstacles for you, providing you with a premium protein that you can consume with utmost confidence.
We are for everyone - from athletes to every day athletes, fitness enthusiasts to smoothie wizards. We believe less truly is more. From ingredients to the way we speak. We won’t drown you in jargon, but you can trust that our Whey Protein Isolate is the best and sourced from New Zealand, an oasis at the base of the Earth. Home to the All Blacks, rolling grass hills, many sheep, the world’s best dairy and our founder Kirsty Godso. Our ingredients are organic and carefully selected. Less ingredients, more protein, more confidence.
What you’re Made Of is the people and environment around you. It’s the way you communicate and show up for yourself that allows you to show up better for others and the world. It’s the micro decisions we make every day that fuel our big efforts.
We are confident and committed. We are honest and hard working. We are passionate and potent. Our energy will speak for us. We are unapologetic in our quest to serve you the best.
We are Made Of many things: heart, energy, passion, purpose. We are not Made Of unnecessary additives or false promises. Life is already an obstacle course and we’re happy to help simplify one of the obstacles for you, providing you with a premium protein that you can consume with utmost confidence.
We are for everyone - from athletes to every day athletes, fitness enthusiasts to smoothie wizards. We believe less truly is more. From ingredients to the way we speak. We won’t drown you in jargon, but you can trust that our Whey Protein Isolate is the best and sourced from New Zealand, an oasis at the base of the Earth. Home to the All Blacks, rolling grass hills, many sheep, the world’s best dairy and our founder Kirsty Godso. Our ingredients are organic and carefully selected. Less ingredients, more protein, more confidence.
What you’re Made Of is the people and environment around you. It’s the way you communicate and show up for yourself that allows you to show up better for others and the world. It’s the micro decisions we make every day that fuel our big efforts.
Join our community and show us what you’re Made Of.